i-Size car seat, i-Size certification, i-Size safety
i-Size gives you a guaranteed back seat fit in i-Size vehicles


最も安全なチャイルドシート選びは、複雑である必要はありません。ECE R129の最高安全基準を満たしたi-Size認定チャイルドシートを購入すれば、i-Size認定車への装着が保証され、直感的な取り付けが可能で、最新の欧州チャイルドシート基準でテストされたシートを購入することになります。

i-SizeはECE R129の強化版です。

Joieのチャイルドシートの多くは、英国およびEUの最新かつ最先端のチャイルドシート規制であるECE R129に適合しています。さらに多くのシートがi-Size認証を取得し、後部座席のフィット感を保証しています。i-Sizeをお買い求めいただくと、ECE R129の安全性と利便性を備えた、より安全でスマートな乗り心地をお楽しみいただけます。
side impact certified icon
rearward facing longer icon
smartest dummies icon
better fit formula icon
i-Size certification icon
side impact certification is part of ECE R129


標準化された側面衝突テストにより、最高の頭部、頚部、全身の保護を保証します。ECE R44のような古い規格には、側面衝突は含まれていません!
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Joieのチャイルドシートの多くは、長年にわたり側面衝突試験を実施してきましたが、ECE R129以前は、側面衝突試験はEU基準に合格するための必須条件ではありませんでした。側面からの衝撃は子どもにとって最も有害であり、赤ちゃんの頭部に最もダメージを与えることが知られています。このため、ECE R129規格は、業界全体で側面衝突性能基準を義務化している。
mandatory rear-facing until 76cm or 15 months is part of ECE R129


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最も衝突事故が多く、最も深刻な事故は車の前方で起こる。前向きの場合、衝突時に子どもが前方に移動し、首に負担がかかる。後向きの方が衝突の衝撃を和らげ、前向きの最大5倍も発達途上の小さな首と背骨を守ります。ECE R129の試験基準では、少なくとも76cm(約15ヵ月)までは後ろ向きでいることが義務付けられています!
ECE R129 uses the most advanced crash testing dummies with 32 sensors


ECE R129テストでは、お子さまの壊れやすい体をより正確にシミュレートするため、旧式のダミーよりも多くのセンサーを搭載した、まったく新しい最新技術の衝突テスト用ダミーを使用しています。
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ECE R129では、"Q "ダミーと呼ばれる最もハイテクな衝突試験用ダミーを使用している。このダミーは、より高い感度をテストするために感覚技術が改良されただけでなく、身体の傷つきやすい部位により多くのセンサーを備えている。これにより、衝突時に多方向から何が起こるかをより深く理解することができ、チャイルドシートの設計を改善することができる。旧型の「P」新生児ダミーは布製でセンサーがなかった。新しい「Q」新生児ダミーには、頭部、頸部、胸部、骨盤という重要な位置に4つのセンサーが搭載された。これらのセンサーは非常に繊細で、新生児の体のもろさをシミュレートするように設計されている。
ECE R129 recommends car seats by height instead of weight


ECE R129は、お子様の体重ではなく身長に基づいてチャイルドシートの使用量を決定します。これにより、成長期のお子様により正確にフィットします。
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「どのチャイルドシートが自分の子供に最も適しているのか、また、次の段階のシートを使い始める時期はいつなのかを、保護者が簡単に理解することは、しばしば困難なことです。ECE R129の大きな目的は、チャイルドシートの使用とその段階を明確で直感的なものにすることです。体重測定の代わりに、お子様の体重を簡単に測定できるようになり、お子様が正しい向きで正しいシートに座っているという安心感が得られます。
i-Size is an enhancement of ECE R129 for a better back seat fit


i-SizeはECE R129を強化したもので、より厳格なサイズ要件により、i-Size認証車両での適合が保証されています。
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i-Sizeは、ECE R129を強化したもので、安全基準ではありません。これにより、i-Size認証を受けた車種であれば、チャイルドシートの適合性を簡単に確認できるようになり、チャイルドシートの取り付けを誤るリスクを減らすことができます。i-Sizeの理念は、すべてのチャイルドシートが最終的にすべてのクルマに適合するということです。すべてのi-SizeチャイルドシートがECE R129試験基準を満たしていますが、すべてのR129チャイルドシートがi-Size対応シートというわけではありません。ラベルを確認し、"i-Size"を探すことが重要です。
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ride with confidence.

ride with


ride with “i”.

To ensure you're purchasing a car seat that meets the highest ECE R129 safety standard and has i-Size certification, simply look for the "i" in front of any of our car seat names (Ex: i-Prodigi™). You can also check the specifications section on our website product pages to confirm i-Size and ECE R129 certification.
*The only car seat that is an exception to this rule is spin 360™️ GTi, which is both ECE R129 regulated and i-Size certified.
You can feel confident that an i-Size car seat will fit perfectly in your back seat
What's the difference between ECE R129 or i-Size

ECE R129 or i-Size…

what's the difference?

It's common to think ECE R129 and i-Size mean the same thing because many brands and publishers have used the terms interchangeably. Including us!
While ECE R129 and i-Size car seats undergo the same side-impact testing with advanced crash-test dummies, require mandatory rear-facing until 76 cm and 15 months, and use height instead of weight for proper usage; the terms differ in two key areas:
ECE R129 safety icon

ECE R129

European safety regulation
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1. ECE R129 refers to the most recent and safest European safety regulation that controls the manufacturing of car seas. The ECE R129 safety regulation provides better side-impact protection, requires rear-facing for longer, and makes it easier to find the best-fitting car seats for your child.
i-size safety icon


enhancement of ECE R129
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2. i-Size, on the other hand, is an enhancement of ECE R129 that makes it easier to confirm your i-Size car seat's compatibility with any i-Size approved vehicle - reducing the risk of installing your car seat incorrectly. The idea behind i-Size is that all car seats will eventually fit in all cars. While all i-Size car seats meet ECE R129 testing standards, not every ECE R129 car seat is an automatic fit for vehicles with i-Size compatible seating positions.
For extra peace of mind when shopping for a car seat, ask for a car seat that meets the ECE R129 safety regulation. For simplicity, look for the yellow i-Size icon to verify that it's suitable for your i-Size approved vehicle without the need to check the fitting list. Still have questions? Check out our FAQ section below!

how i-Size fits in

Let's see how i-Size compares to ECE R129 and ECE R44.
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Car seat safety standards chart

meet our R129 + i-Size car seats

  1. グレーのI-Trilloハイバックブースターシートは、ヘッドレストが最も低い位置で、45度の角度で右を向いています。

ECE R129 & i-Size Q&A

Like all parents, we know you are focused on keeping your child as safe as possible. We also know you might have so many questions and so little time to research. Read on below for answers to some of your more complex questions about ECE R129 and i-Size

What is ECE R129?

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ECE R129 is the new EU standard for car seat safety that was ratified in July 2013. ECE R129 has been running parallel to the older testing standard, ECE R44/04, since then. ECE R129 will replace ECE R44 entirely as the only approved EU car seat testing standard as of September 1, 2023. Only ECE R129 car seats will be legally sold to consumers in the EU from September 2024 and onward (ECE R44 can continue to be sold in England, wales & Scotland beyond the EU 1st September 2024 sales stop date).

How will ECE R129 keep my child safer?

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ECE R129 regulations promote longer rear-facing by requiring children travel rearward up to at least 15 months. Additionally, ECE R129 has introduced the first mandatory side impact testing standard, which will improve protection of the child’s head and neck. While Joie always took the initiative to test for side impact, the new regulations will ensure standards are met industry-wide.
ECE R129 makes use of the most high-tech crash test dummies available, called “Q” dummies. Not only has the sensory technology improved to test for greater sensitivity, it also features more sensors on fragile areas of the body. This means we have a better understanding of what happens during a crash, allowing us to improve the design of our car seats.
The previous “newborn” dummies (“P” dummies) were made only of fabric and did not have sensors. The new “Q” newborn dummies now feature 32 sensors in critical locations: the head, neck, thorax and pelvis. These sensors are extremely delicate, designed to simulate the fragility of a newborn body.
Since the ECE R44 standards were established the cars we drive have changed dramatically, and so has our knowledge about what happens during an accident. ECE R129 is the newest, safest standard for testing car seats. It introduces a more accurate fit for child, side-impact standards, and rearward-facing longer. ECE R129 also makes use of the latest dummy sensory technology designed to more accurately simulate a child’s fragile body. This means ECE R129 car seats are designed better, safer and stronger.

Is ECE R129 the same thing as i-Size?

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Not quite! All i-Size car seats are tested to the ECE R129 safety but not all ECE R129 car seats have i-Size certification. All i-Size car seats are tested to the ECE R129 safety standard but not all ECE R129 car seats have i-Size certification.
i-Size in an enhancement of the ECE R129 safety standard that makes it easier to confirm your car seat's compatibility in any vehicle with i-Size approved seating positions - reducing the risk of installing your car seat incorrectly. The idea behind i-Size is that all car seats will eventually fit in all cars.

Why is forward-facing not permitted until at least 15 months?

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Research shows that a baby’s neck is not yet strong enough to support their head, therefore, ECE R129 doesn’t allow forwards-facing travel until a minimum of 76cm and 15 months to ensure the child’s neck has developed the strength needed to support an average forward collision. Due to the increased security of travelling rearward or lateral-facing, many Joie car seats exceed the ECE R129 regulation and promote rearward facing up to approximately 4 years.

Why is side-impact testing and standardisation so important?

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The ECE R44 standard does not include side-impact testing, though we all know that accidents happen from all sides. While Joie has always maintained the strictest criteria for side-impact protection, the new ECE R129 standard enforces mandatory side-impact performance criteria industry-wide.

What vehicle features does i-Size require?

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Vehicles must be equipped with ISOFIX and adhere to stricter space-to-seat ratio requirements.
Check your vehicle manual to ensure that your vehicle meets i-Size regulations. In most cases, if your vehicle is equipped with ISOFIX, it may be i-Size compatible already.

Are all R129 seat i-Size?

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Not quite, change top section to - All i-Size car seats are ECE R129 certified, but not all ECE R129 certified seats are i-Size. To qualify as i-Size, the child seat must satisfy additional requirements beyond the safety testing requirements of a ECER129 certified seat.
i-Size makes for a simplified fitment method, usually ISOFIX, and assured compatibility within any i-Size approved vehicle seating position - reducing the risk of incorrect install.

Do all i-Size seats use ISOFIX for installation?

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Mostly yes, but not all. Some i-Size certified infant carriers can also fit in vehicles with the vehicle seat belt, in addition to installing with a compatible ISOFIX base, if purchased and installed.

Do ECE R129 car seats have width rescrictions like the i-Size certification?

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ECE R129 car seats have width restrictions just like i-Size, but they're slightly different. Car seats with height usage below 105cm share the same 44cm width requirement as an i-Siize car seat, however, there are other reasons why a car seat would be ECE R129 compliant but not i-Size. Within the older child car seat category (100cm-150cm), the width of ECE R129 seats is allowed to be a maximum of 52cm. Some i-Size certified car seats will naturally be this width when using their removable side impact pods, but are allowed to be classified as i-Size due to these pods being removable. And once the pods are removed, the car seat width then falls within the 44cm maximum allowance of the i-Size certification.

Can I use 3 i-Size car seats in a row on my vehicle seat?

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Most times, fitment of a belted ECE R129 car seat into the centre of the vehicle will work. However, there are instances where there is insufficient space to allow 3 car seats across if the outer two car seats are fitted using ISOFIX, so sometimes the use of 3 L104belted ECE R129 car seats to achieve this.

How can I fit 3 i-Size car seats across if my vehicle only has 2 outer i-Size seating positions?

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Most times, fitment of a belted ECE R129 car seat into the centre of the vehicle will work. However, there are instances where there is insufficient space to allow 3 car seats across if the outer two car seats are fitted using ISOFIX, so sometimes the use of 3 belted ECE R129 car seats is necessary to achieve 3-across.

Can I always use my booster seat's ISOFIX connectors if I’m fitting it into an i-Size certified seating position in the vehicle?

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Most of the time, yes! ISOFIX can be used to stabilise the booster seat on the vehicle seat while the vehicle seat belt will restrain the child. However, in some vehicles the positioning of the vehicle belt buckle will restrict the use of the ISOFIX connectors on the booster seat, but the vehicle manufacturer can still certify the seating position as i-Size, even though installation of the car seat will be much easier using the vehicle belt instead.

If ECE R129 & i-Size car seats are now height based, why is weight still important?

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Car seats still have a maximum occupant weight capacity, and this is equally as important to monitor as the primary indicator, which is the height of the child. For ISOFIX car seats, it's critical not to exceed a total weight of 33kgs, which includes the car seat AND the child occupant's weight combined. Historically, under the ECE R44 regulation, occupant weight capacity was static for group 1 car seats at 18kgs. Under the newer ECE R129 regulation, the occupant's weight capacity varies depending on the weight of the seat. For example: if a seat weighs 13kgs, the the maximum occupant weight is 20kgs. If a seat weighs 15kgs, the maximum occupan weight is 18kgs.

What has changed under Regulation ECE R129 regarding car seats installed by vehicle seat belts instead of ISOFIX?

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One big change from regulation ECE R44 is that ECE R129 belted car seats are now restricted to a single vehicle belt path per method of occupant restraint to simplify the installation and reduce user error.

Why can’t my every stage R129 face forward in the harness mode?

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Great question! Belted car seats under ECE R129 are now restricted to a single belt path per method of occupant restraint to simplify the installation and reduce user error. For multi-mode car seats like the every stage R129 that has rear-facing and forward-facing modes, there is only one belt path that can be used for harness modes and belted booster mode (formerly, there were two belt paths). The new belt path restriction that impacts the every stage R129 prioritises rearward-facing travel using the internal harness between 40-105cm. The car seat can then forward face using a simple belt path for booster mode from 100 - 145cm, and the vehicle belt becomes the primary means of restraint for both the occupant and the every stage R129 seat itself.